Friday, April 30, 2010

I've got to go

seth is coming to get me and we're going to drive with his parents (in the new car :) to his Grammie's house in O'Neill Nebraska.

I'm so excited, just like the excitement I used to feel when I'd wake up in anticipation of drive through the gorgeous rolling landscape.

I don't care what anyone says. Nebraska flat scenery cannot be beat.

Here we go! And when we get back, it will be May, my sister will be home, and I'll be refreshed (i think this might be the only way to get me really "destressed") and ready to finish the last week of classes...then...finals.

Monday, April 26, 2010


"halfway moved. goodbye downing"

Clearly, I can't read things like this on mornings like these. This status update by one of Seth's housemates, Riley, set off this weird reaction. I'm unsettled in a good way. Emotional, excited--the accumulation of knowing that everything is changing. I'm excited for it but it happens so fast and is overwhelming.

This past week my sisters and mother in laws threw me a bridal shower that was beautiful, delicious, hospitable, tear-jerking, and funny. At times I feel like I don't deserve all that was given to us as we start our home. Everyone was so generous. But I moved a lot of the stuff (lamp, mixer, stoneware, coffeemakers, towels, dishclothes,aprons!) to Seth's, and suddenly I'm realizing, okay, this week, next week, finals week and then fourteen days of preparation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 32 more days. what what what what what what.

here are some pictures from the shower. I'm so blessed, and great, "I'm crying again."

Happy Monday!!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

I might be doing it a bit different.

I just started my seeds! Sure, I documented and listened to music on my macbook, so perhaps gardening to me is different from what grandparents would have done, but the seeds went in the soil and my hands were dirty and I planted something that will give life to the earth as well as my house.

As the school year winds to a close, so does my engagement to Seth Forwood. We soon will be married. It's so hard to do homework when all I want to do is prepare for the life and home that we will soon live in. I haven't touched my reading today, which in someways I think is a very healthy thing for me. I'm a bit of an obsessive student, addicted to As and I would rather put an appropriate amount of energy on this new life changing event: marriage. Sure, grades are great, but they are so temporary. This is what I am trying to tell myself. So, for the moment, I'm ignoring the homework, and focusing on our future.

After buying my seeds and supplies, I found an email from Seth waiting for me. It asked if we could include this slow song during our wedding reception playlist. I listened to it, and immediately found myself so moved by its feel, words, and theme. I kind of want it to be the first song we dance to. And so funny that I received it right before starting my seeds. It's a story of a couple tied to Creation, to virtue, to Love....yeah. It's a picture of the kind of life I've been trying to illustrate in these blog posts. Timeless in it's message, it's a song that tells of our grandparents' marriage and all those we hope to emulate. It's inspiring to say the least.

Here it is: excuse the video....I haven't even watched it, i just searched for Ryan Adam's "In My Time of Need" and this is what came up.

And as you listen you can look at my first processes with my seeds!

I am planting lettuce, cabbage, carrots, beans, tomatoes, broccoli, and basil.

I love Fridays.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

real simple magazine: my domestic food.

I am going to be one of those wives who wallpapers everything.

Florals everywhere.

So to my great delight, my real simple magazine just arrived at Seth's (and my future) house. I just flipped to "The guide: Home" page to where an entire feature is devoted to my favorite home accessory: wallpaper!

mmmmmmmmm. i just need a good apron, dress, and cup of tea.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"open this!"
Caleb, Seth's nephew, hands us a gold wrapped present for "Mr. and Mrs. Seth Forwood."

Though I loved seeing a card addressed to ....that, I replied:

"Actually we're going to have to wait a couple months to open it."

And Caleb interupts:

"No, a month and 29, no....[imagine an 8 year old furrowing his brow and counting out loud and on fingers]! One Month and 27 days!"

So, here we are, so close to the wedding. I thought it might be fun to post some about decorations. And maybe get some feed back as well....for the reception, we are using my parent's barn/large garage thing, for the dancing and buffet area, and we are renting an equally sized tent for dining. The problem is we have to move and clean all the things that are in the barn right now to one side of the building and block it from sight. We were thinking curtains could do this, but we'd need something 12 ft tall and gosh, i don't even know how wide. We need a cheap way to cover this area. I have one idea but i don't know if it's going to work.
I am going after this picture for inspiration. We're actually going to try to use butcher paper. yeah. across the width and cheesecloth to create the linen curtain framing effect. We should probably have a backup plan though......

Of course, we're going to have lanterns!

It rained this morning, and it reminded me of spring time last year. You see, after experiencing Michigan's glorious springs for a couple years, last year being my first year home, i forgot that Colorado could have an equally rejuvenating season. I love the way it remains chilly in the morning with a wide blue sky promising a sunny and green afternoon.

The trees will bloom soon.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

reflection on my first experiences with Holy Week

For having grown up in the church and being an enthusiastic youth grouper as a junior high and high school student, I have been shocked and semi-embarrassed by the little i know about the stories, events, and traditions of Christianity. It might sound more rigid than the free-spirited and emotional Christianity of my youth, but I have been finding through attending a liturgical church, having a relationship with my dear fiance, and, most surprisingly, by studying my art history class, a new understanding of the Christian faith and tradition.
It is Good Friday today, and for the first time in my life, it's a day that I can't get out of my head. Last night, Seth and I, along with his parents, attended Christ our Hope's Maundy Thursday service. Being that it was my first time attending the service, I decided to look up Maundy Thursday. I feel like I had heard of all the events of Holy Week, but that I'd never been confronted by them before. I've never truly experienced them. Last night, we entered in the dim gym room that was lit only by candles and two lamps. Behind the rows of chairs were shallow basins surrounded by semi circles of chairs-- towels and jugs of water waiting for us.
The service began and Father Steve said something, that, to me, was quite profound. I don't know exactly what was said, but it was communicated to me that we partake in the Eucharist, we celebrate this week, to bring the past to the present, to experience what was experienced then, now.
We eat real bread, we drink real wine, we wash each others feet because this is the story we are a part of: the traditions that are beyond our own self-centered spheres.
It was dark and solemn, long, and contemplative. It put me in the appropriate place, I think, especially when the congregation sat still, gazing at the black cloth that draped on the cross.

We are studying the Renaissance in art history right now, and I just read about Masaccio's Holy Trinity.
Where is art like this now a days? What happened? The art that was made was to assist in the narrative of the liturgy. Everything is rendered for a purpose. Where are all the cross shaped churches nowadays? (Everyone should read: Addicted to Mediocrity by Franky Schaeffer). In Masaccio's work, the "pyramid of figures leads viewers from the despair of death (the tomb is below the viewer's eyes...the foot of the cross is eye level) to the hope of the ressurrection and eternal life through Christ's crucifixion." (that quote is from the text book :)
Even the use of perspective and proportion also has the effect of unifying and harmonizing a piece of art to communicate the unchanging order of God.

Another work that I nearly found my self weeping during class at was the Roettgen-Pieta.
It is such a horrible and grotesque representation of the Virgin holding the dead Christ. It is heartbreaking. But put in context, Germany was facing war famine and plague at the time of its completion, but through this piece, as i read in my book, the artist is saying, "'What is your suffering compared to this?" And really, its humbling and shows the fragility of humanity and our need of the Savior.

This is it. This is what it's all about. As Seth reminds me, "What story are we a part of?" And I'm learning, it's this One.